
Develop the skills and confidence you need to succeed in your nutrition career.

Approved for practicum hours and CEU credits

Building Your Nutrition Business Workshop Series 2021

Starts February 20, 2021, exclusively online!

Client-Centred Counselling

Working successfully with clients is the key to sustaining a clinical practice, but do you know what success looks like? Most practitioners assume they have to solve all their clients’ issues, but gaining an understanding of the client’s true needs and wants makes for happy clients and a rewarding client/practitioner relationship.

Throughout this training you will receive foundational teachings using the BCC (behaviour-change counselling) and motivational interviewing models so that you can become an effective and efficient coach.

6.5 hours | CDN$97.00 (+HST/GST)

Marketing to Healthcare Professionals

Approaching medical doctors or wellness practitioners can be intimidating, but referrals are the cornerstone of a successful practice.

The purpose of this training session is to provide you with a thorough understanding and a functional roadmap of how to confidently market yourself to medical doctors or other wellness practitioners. These practitioners are looking for holistic nutrition professionals to help their clients and patients.

6 hours | CDN$97.00 (+HST/GST)

Building Your Business

Do you know what your niche is? Do you know the best type of website or how to use social networking and email marketing?

This training session is designed to provide you with step-by-step directions to approach and secure new business by learning to identify your target market, develop your expertise and confidence to create and execute successful marketing proposals, and fine tune your presentation skills. It helps you focus on the necessary key elements while taking the pressure off of you for what you need to do first.

11 hours | CDN$97.00 (+HST/GST)

Advanced Practical Nutritional Research Strategies

How do you use research to grow your reputation, increase your referral rate, and grow your business? No matter what you choose to do—from being in clinical practice to writing a blog or speaking at a lunch and learn—understanding how to use research can enhance all that you do and help create new opportunities.

This training will provide you with the foundation to understand different types of nutritional research and scientific methodology.

6 hours | CDN$97.00 (+HST/GST)

These trainings have been invaluable in helping me to refocus my energy more productively towards providing my clientele with needs driven solutions and protocols. The content offers a turnkey experience immediately transferable to job ready skills. I am extremely impressed with the calibre and knowledge of the seminar experts and their willingness to share their expertise in logical well thought out fashion. Thank you CAHN-Pro for your dedication to advancing our holistic profession! Blessings,

Cindy Ryon RHN RECP

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Such emails contain valuable information on upcoming events and continuing education opportunities.

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