Code of Ethics &

Scope of Practice


The Canadian Association of Holistic Nutrition Professionals is an internationally-recognized professional organization deeply engaged in the areas of research, mentorship, training, and accreditation, with the dual aims of (1) developing and promoting the field of holistic nutrition, and (2) connecting nutritionists to professional opportunities.

CAHN-Pro’s Board Certification programs in Professional Practical Holistic Nutrition, coupled with upgrading programs and business training, give members invaluable practical experience and aid to boost credibility with potential employers and insurers.

Our long-term goal is to continue to achieve recognition from the government, insurance companies, and health practitioners through our cutting-edge research education projects and events, as we showcase the undeniable contribution made by holistic nutrition and holistic nutritionists in the lives of families dealing with illness health issues, as well as in the greater health community.

View Our: Code of Ethics 

View Our: Scope of Practice

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Such emails contain valuable information on upcoming events and continuing education opportunities.

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